Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are You Thankful For Your Home?

So many people get dissatisfied with their house. They think that they have to have this or that because everyone else has it in their residence. Since when do we have to have everything everyone else has? Granted, as time goes on we out grow our house with more children, and with needed possessions. Sometimes people elect to work from their home. In which case, they will have to have an added room for the office. Just because we need more space does not mean that we stop being thankful for our house. Here in the States, the poorest among us are kings compared to the rest of the world. We can remodel our existing place, move to another location or expand the added space with thankfulness.

New for newness sake is just ingratitude. No matter how you slice it, impulsiveness is grounded in ingratitude fed from selfishness. In order to conquer this bad character flaw, we must determine to be thankful. Odds are you will spend less money on renovation, or expansion in your existing structure if you have a thankful heart. Greediness will demand that you get the most expensive this or that. Someone who is meek about the whole situation will choose the best value over the most extravagant. Sometimes better value comes with a higher price tag, but it is best to be thankful for what you can afford.

Now why all of the fuss? I feel that many are adding affliction to their family by trying to have a more elaborate house coupled with a wrong motive. There is nothing wrong with wanting to provide more for your family. In fact, if someone does not have this attitude, then I would find a problem there. However, we must display genuine thankfulness to our family members in dealing with our home and all our possessions. Ingratitude spreads like cancer. Our children will grow up thinking that in order to find happiness they will have to get “things” at all costs.

We should be genuinely thankful for the house we own or rent. It provides shelter from the elements, and provides a haven to our family. Even though there may be problems with portions of the house, you can still have a great home! Here is the great distinction! You can have a great big house full of your family, and not have a H.O.M.E.! Be thankful for your home in whatever house it may reside!

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