Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are You Thankful For Your Watch?

One of the first gadgets I received as a young man was a watch. In fact, one year my grandpa brought me a watch from New York and it later turned my arm green. I also had one that was water resistant and could be worn while swimming. It was really neat. In elementary school, you were defined as to what kind of person you were by the kind of watch you wore. It made no difference to your friends that everyone’s watches gave accurate time; it was what KIND of watch that mattered. Boy, were we stupid!

As I grew up I have had numerous watches. When I started working as a young man, I stopped wearing a watch because I kept breaking them. When you turn wrenches in an automobile garage, you will not keep one long! My need for knowing what time it was did not diminish, I still had to find a way to track time. For many of us, we need to keep up with what the time is. Sure you can look at the sun and figure if it is morning or afternoon, but we need to be more specific.

Numerous jobs, sporting events, and medical facilities need to know what time it is. The easiest way to track time is to look at your cell phone, or computer. This insures accuracy, but there will always be a need for watches. Most of the time they are inexpensive, but they can be a status symbol, as it was for me in elementary school. I could not imagine how I could manage if there was no way to track my time.

We should be thankful for our watches. They are so handy and can mean everything to us. Especially if we were in a medical emergency! Each morning we adorn ourselves with our jewelry and watches, but we need to make sure that we appreciate the ability to own and maintain our watch. Not owning one can cause you to miss that all important date with your soon to be spouse! Be thankful for your timepiece!

Please pass along your comments as well as your funny stories about how you lost or broke your watch. Pass this along to others!

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